Meet l'Équipe

While managing a small restaurant in central Paris, Benedict caught the wine bug after tasting Bruno Clair’s Aloxe Corton GC and realising it tasted just like twiglets. This spark began his journey in learning everything he could about wine. When returning home to London, he undertook the Wine & Spirit Education Trust program to develop his understanding about wines from around the world.
In addition to managing boutique restaurants, he has also worked on several different wine projects from hosting pop-up wine bars to recently designing wine labels for British winemakers, Stanlake Park.
However, his passion remains in hosting and curating private wine tasting events for both social and corporate groups. Forget all the other tastings you’ve been to, he brings new energy and dynamic approach that seamlessly combines hosting and educating, whilst providing clarity, joy and sass to the world of wine.

Niall is originally from Cambridge but living in London, and working on drinking and sharing as much wine as possible. Niall actually originally has an education in Zoology; managing living coral exhibits in London Aquarium amongst other things, but slowly and surely wine began to take over his life...
Working in a natural wine bar and restaurant in South London, and putting on private tastings on the side is where he cut his teeth in the industry and is now working with Ben on sourcing, selling and sharing the wines he loves to drink.
Having a background with natural wine, Niall always looks for conscientiously made wine. Smaller producers usually, who care for the environment as well as the final product.

Mimi is our go-to person for all things digital. Growing up in Leeds she’s returned to her southern roots to pursue a career in the world of digital content - and wine!
She joins us from a previous role of Content Coordination at a vintage trading company and brings a background of photography, branding and content creation to the team at Benedict Butterworth.
Although she’s relatively new to the wine industry, Mimi is enthusiastic about trying new things and is looking forward to unlocking a whole new palate of flavours along the way.

Alfie, 4, comes in at 45kg - A big dog with a bigger heart. He takes us for regular walks so we get fresh air and a break from the computer screen. What a good boi.

Trusty Blue
We can’t believe the number of journeys in and around London this old banger has made this year. Averaging about 2 breakdowns a week, toolbox taking up valuable wine-space in the boot, she gets the job done. Last summer, we even helped to get a taxi driver back on the road. Her largest load to date is 90 bottles of wine (15 cases) and we've definitely scraped a few speedbumps.
At almost 50 years old, it’s worth remembering that the cost of building a new car, including electric cars, has the equivalent carbon footprint of running 100,000 miles on the clock of a classic, making this 1971 Triumph Spitfire ULEZ compliant. With Boris’ new Lockdown measures, it looks like there are a lot more journeys to come, so let’s hope she stays true.
Our trusty little blue. 🚙